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Slovakia: Pro-Russian’s Potential Pro-Russian Leadership and its Implications

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  • Post last modified:September 28, 2023

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Slovakia, a key NATO member and a steadfast ally of Ukraine, is on the brink of a significant political shift. With the possibility of a pro-Russian leader, Robert Fico, coming to power, the political landscape in Slovakia is drawing considerable attention and concern from the West. This article delves into the unfolding political scenario, its potential repercussions, and the underlying factors influencing the shift in Slovakia’s stance.


Former Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico has called for stopping military aid to neighboring Ukraine. [npr]

The Rise of Robert Fico

Robert Fico, a former prime minister and leader of the opposition party SMER, is known for his pro-Kremlin sympathies. His potential return to power could mark a departure from Slovakia’s current supportive stance towards Ukraine. Fico has openly criticized Ukraine and has echoed the narratives used by Russian President Vladimir Putin to justify the invasion of Ukraine.

Slovakia’s Support for Ukraine

Slovakia has been a strong supporter of Kyiv since Russia’s invasion in February. Sharing a border with Ukraine, Slovakia was prompt in sending air defenses and welcoming a significant number of refugees. This commitment to Ukraine’s cause underscores the potential impact of a change in leadership on the bilateral relationship between the two countries.

Political Turmoil and Fico’s Comeback

Slovakia has witnessed political instability with frequent changes in leadership. The dissatisfaction with the ruling parties and their handling of various issues, including corruption and the pandemic, has paved the way for Fico’s resurgence. His party, SMER, has managed to retain strong support, and Fico’s appeal to the electorate is bolstered by the ongoing government conflicts and external crises.

Coalition Dynamics and Far-Right Influence

The fragmented political scene in Slovakia necessitates coalition partnerships. Fico’s willingness to collaborate with Republika, a far-right party with similar views on Ukraine and NATO, raises concerns about the potential influence of extremist ideologies on Slovakia’s foreign policy.


Eduard Heger, pictured in Tallinn, Estonia, in November 2022, resigned as caretaker prime minister in May.

The Battle Against Disinformation

Slovakia is grappling with the spread of propaganda and disinformation, which has eroded public trust in institutions. The prevalence of pro-Russian sentiments and narratives has been exacerbated by the charged political atmosphere and historical ties between Slovakia and Russia. (

Economic Considerations and Public Opinion

The economic challenges faced by Slovaks, coupled with the cost of supporting Ukraine, have fueled arguments against Slovakia’s current stance. The appeal of focusing inward and prioritizing national interests resonates with a section of the population, despite the availability of European Union funds to subsidize support for Ukraine.


Slovakia stands at a crossroads, with the potential election of a pro-Russian leader poised to reshape its political and diplomatic trajectory. The outcome of this political shift will have far-reaching implications, not only for Slovakia’s relationship with Ukraine and NATO but also for the broader geopolitical landscape in the region.

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