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Bennu: The Asteroid with a Potential Future Impact on Earth

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  • Post last modified:September 20, 2023

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NASA has been closely monitoring an asteroid named Bennu, which orbits Earth approximately every six years. This Near-Earth Object (NEO) has been on NASA’s watchlist since its discovery in 1999. Recent predictions suggest that Bennu might pose a threat to Earth in the distant future.



History of Bennu’s Close Encounters:

Bennu has had three notable close encounters with Earth in the past, specifically in the years 1999, 2005, and 2011. These events have allowed scientists to study the asteroid’s trajectory and make predictions about its future path. [cnn]

The 2135 Fly-by and its Implications:

On September 25, 2135, Bennu is expected to make another close approach to Earth. During this fly-by, there’s a tiny possibility that the asteroid might pass through a “gravitational keyhole.” If this happens, Bennu could be set on a collision course with Earth, with the potential impact occurring in 2182.

Probability of Earth Impact:

According to a study by the OSIRIS-REx science team, the chances of Bennu colliding with Earth are relatively low, estimated at 1 in 2,700 or 0.037%. However, given the asteroid’s size, an impact could have significant consequences.

Potential Impact and Comparison:

Bennu, which measures about a third of a mile in diameter, could devastate an area as large as Texas upon impact. The energy released would be equivalent to 22 atomic bombs. Despite its potential destructiveness, this impact would still be much smaller than the asteroid believed to have caused the extinction of the dinosaurs 66 million years ago, which was approximately 6 miles wide.

While the threat posed by Bennu is minimal, it serves as a reminder of the importance of monitoring NEOs and understanding their trajectories. Advanced predictions and studies allow scientists to take necessary precautions to mitigate potential future threats from space.

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