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Palestine Americans Share Perspectives on Ongoing Conflict in Israel and Palestine

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  • Post last modified:October 13, 2023

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In the wake of recent violence in Israel and Palestine, Palestinian Americans find themselves at a complex intersection of their ancestral history and their adopted homeland. Many of them have roots in the Middle East, with parents or grandparents who left the region when the modern state of Israel was established. These families found refuge in the United States, building new lives and businesses, but they continue to grapple with the foreign policy that aligns their adopted country with Israel, a government that they perceive as oppressive and occupying.


Supporters of Palestinians at a demonstration in New York on Sunday. ( ; npr

Understanding the Complex Perspectives of Palestine Americans

Historical Context and Grief: Zarefah Baroud, a Palestinian American, watched with a heavy heart as violence unfolded in the region. She expressed her sorrow for both Israeli and Palestinian casualties and feared that these killings would be used to justify further suffering among Palestinians. Ms. Baroud later learned that her own family members in Gaza had been killed in a retaliatory airstrike, deepening her anguish.

Longstanding Challenges: Palestinians in the United States, whether American-born or immigrants who’ve been in the country for decades, are well-aware of the underlying causes of the conflict. They trace it back to Israeli policies and the denial of basic rights to Palestinians, leading to a situation where many feel there’s “nowhere to hide.” Gaza residents, in particular, have endured numerous hardships, including food and medicine shortages, crumbling infrastructure, and high levels of joblessness, amidst ongoing violence and disputes over Israeli settlements in the West Bank.

Frustration with U.S. Politicians and News Coverage: Many Palestinian Americans expressed frustration with the bipartisan support for Israel and the way American news outlets covered the conflict. They argue that the conflict’s roots lie in decades of Palestinian suffering and denied freedom of movement, pointing out that it’s essential to consider the historical context when addressing the situation. They feel that the issue is too often oversimplified or overlooked by U.S. politicians and media.

Challenges Faced by Palestinian Americans in the U.S.

Small but Diverse Community: While over 170,000 people in the United States identified as having Palestinian heritage in the 2020 census, this number is believed to be an undercount. Palestinian Americans are diverse, including both Muslims and Christians, recent arrivals, and those with deep roots in the U.S. Some younger Palestinian Americans have become activists, engaging in activism on college campuses and aligning with social justice movements like Black Lives Matter. However, many remain cautious about speaking out due to concerns about backlash or potential risks to loved ones overseas.

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Calls for a Balanced Approach and Hope for Peace

Amidst the ongoing conflict, Palestinian Americans hope for a more sustainable solution and a ceasefire. They emphasize the importance of Western countries’ involvement in enforcing a peace agreement. The complexity of the situation is apparent as many express their horror at the loss of life, anger at the underlying conditions, and hope for a more peaceful future.

As the conflict in Israel and Palestine continues, the voices of Palestinian Americans offer a multifaceted perspective that underscores the need for a nuanced understanding of the historical context and the ongoing suffering in the region. Their stories reflect a profound connection to their homeland and a desire for a just and lasting resolution to the long-standing conflict.

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