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Ca Legislature; Governor Newsom Rejects Bill on Considering Parental Support for Child’s Gender Identity in Custody Cases

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  • Post last modified:September 25, 2023

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Ca Legislature: In a surprising move, California Governor Gavin Newsom vetoed Assembly Bill 957, which aimed to guide judges to consider a parent’s support of a child’s gender identity during custody and visitation rulings. This decision marks a deviation from Newsom’s previously demonstrated support for transgender rights.



Newsom vetoes bill that would require parents to affirm child’s gender identity in custody battles 

Why It Matters:

The veto is significant as it reveals a cautious approach by Governor Newsom towards legislating transgender rights. Despite his commitment to advancing these rights, Newsom expressed concerns about establishing legal standards focusing on a single characteristic, fearing it could be used to undermine the civil rights of vulnerable communities in California and beyond.

Ca legislature; Governor’s Perspective:

Governor Newsom emphasized that the current state law already mandates the consideration of a child’s health, safety, and welfare, which includes the affirmation of the child’s gender identity. He refrained from delving deeper into his stance but highlighted the potential risks of overemphasis on one aspect of parental support.

Expert Insight:

Scott Altman, a family law professor at the University of Southern California, suggested that the veto might be rooted in concerns about potential discrimination against parents with traditional gender role beliefs and the possibility of inciting opposition to L.G.B.T.Q. rights in other states.

Reactions to the Veto:

Assemblywoman Lori Wilson, the bill’s sponsor, expressed her disappointment, noting the increasing hostility towards transgender people. Despite the veto, Wilson and Senator Scott Wiener acknowledged Newsom as a strong ally of the L.G.B.T.Q. community.

Additional Legislation:

Governor Newsom signed several other bills aimed at strengthening protections for L.G.B.T.Q. Californians, including measures to maintain confidentiality for minors seeking gender and sex identifier changes and establishing a task force to assess L.G.B.T.Q. children’s needs statewide.

Bill Details:

Assembly Bill 957 sought to amend existing law by including a parent’s affirmation of a child’s gender identity as a consideration in custody disputes. The bill did not define “affirmation” explicitly but indicated that it encompasses various actions promoting a child’s well-being.

Legislative Debate and Next Steps:

The bill, which sparked intense debate and passed along party lines, now returns to the Legislature. A two-thirds majority in both chambers, where Democrats hold supermajorities, has the potential to override the governor’s veto.

California Governor Newsom’s decision to veto Assembly Bill 957 sheds light on the intricate and delicate nature of legislating rights for transgender individuals. While his commitment to supporting the L.G.B.T.Q. community remains steadfast, this particular veto underscores the necessity of navigating carefully through the multifaceted landscape of individual rights and legal standards. The balance between safeguarding the rights of the transgender community and avoiding unintended consequences in lawmaking is a challenging yet essential task. As the Legislature reconvenes to contemplate the future of the bill, all eyes will be on the unfolding developments, marking a pivotal moment in the ongoing journey towards equality and understanding.

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