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New York Protest: Youth-Led Climate Protests Surge in NY, Urging Biden to Act

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  • Post last modified:September 18, 2023

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New York’s Youth Take to the Streets Again, Demanding a Greener Future:

In a powerful display of unity, thousands have marched in New York protest in City, urging President Biden to take decisive action against fossil fuels. This resurgence of youth-led climate protests comes four years after the last major climate march in the city. []

New york protest

A Look Back: Helen Mancini, now 16, recalls the previous climate march where Greta Thunberg, the renowned teenage activist, addressed thousands, urging global leaders to combat global warming. Mancini, then in middle school, expressed her frustration to her parents, questioning their commitment to the cause. The momentum of these youth protests, however, was interrupted by the global pandemic.

New York Protest The Present Movement:

Fast forward to today, Mancini is not just a participant but an organizer. The message is clear: it’s time for the U.S. to transition away from oil and gas. Jean Su, energy justice director with the Center for Biological Diversity, emphasized the march’s clarity in its demand – the complete cessation of fossil fuel usage.

Demands of the Protesters:

The protesters have a list of demands for President Biden:

  • Halt federal approvals for new fossil fuel projects.
  • Phase out oil and gas drilling on public lands.
  • Declare climate change a national emergency.
  • Stop oil and gas exports.
  • Transition to renewable energy sources.

Setting the Global Stage:

The march is strategically timed ahead of the “Climate Ambition Summit” hosted by the United Nations. The summit aims to push world leaders for faster emissions reductions. UN Secretary-General António Guterres has set the bar high, stating that only countries with credible plans, including fossil fuel phase-out, will be invited. The overarching goal is to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.

new york fossil fuel protests

Biden’s Climate Record Challenged:

Despite Biden’s promises during his campaign, many feel he hasn’t lived up to the title of ‘climate president’. Notable projects like the Willow project in Alaska and the Mountain Valley Pipeline have moved forward under his administration. The White House, however, defends its stance, highlighting the Inflation Reduction Act and other measures taken to promote renewable energy.

The Youth Perspective:

For many young activists, the issue is personal. Mancini and her peers, like Keanu Arpels-Josiah, have been actively organizing school strikes and other events to raise awareness. Arpels-Josiah, who once campaigned for Biden, now marches to hold him accountable. For these young activists, it’s not just about the environment; it’s about their future. (

The resurgence of youth-led climate protests in New York is more than just a demonstration; it’s a testament to the unwavering spirit of the younger generation. Their commitment to a sustainable future, even in the face of challenges and setbacks, is a beacon of hope. As they march with clarity and purpose, their message resonates globally: the time for change is now. Their passion and determination serve as a poignant reminder that the fight for our planet is not just about policies and politics; it’s about the legacy we leave for the generations to come. As the world stands at a pivotal crossroads, the voices of these young activists echo a powerful call to action, urging us all to play our part in shaping a greener, brighter future.

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