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President: Trump Surpasses Biden in Latest Polls: A Deep Dive into Public Sentiment and the Road to 2024

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  • Post last modified:September 25, 2023

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In a surprising turn of events, recent ABC News/Washington Post polls reveal a shift in public sentiment, with former President Donald Trump gaining an edge over President Joe Biden in a hypothetical 2024 matchup. This article delves into the factors influencing this change and the challenges Biden faces in his potential reelection campaign.



President Biden’s Approval Ratings:

President Biden’s approval ratings are currently facing a significant downturn, with only 37% of Americans approving of his job performance. A record 44% claim their financial situation has worsened during his presidency, marking the highest dissatisfaction rate since 1986. Biden’s handling of the economy and immigration are particularly under scrutiny, receiving approval ratings of 30% and 23%, respectively.


Trump’s Retrospective Approval:

Contrastingly, Trump’s retrospective approval ratings have seen an improvement. While he left office with a 38% approval rate, 48% of Americans now approve of his past performance, matching his peak during his presidency. Among those who disapprove of Biden, a substantial 75% retrospectively approve of Trump.


Election Preferences and Candidate Support:

The polls indicate a desire for change within the Democratic Party, with 62% of Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents advocating for a nominee other than Biden in 2024. Trump, however, continues to enjoy broad intraparty support, with 54% favoring him for the GOP nomination. In a head-to-head matchup for November 2024, Trump leads with 51% support to Biden’s 42%.

Influencing Factors:

Several factors contribute to the shifting public sentiment. Biden’s performance ratings, economic discontent, immigration crisis, and age-related doubts are key considerations. Trump, on the other hand, has maintained his base and received positive coverage as the GOP frontrunner. The public’s opportunity to express their displeasure through hypothetical vote-preference questions also plays a role in the current sentiments.

Group-Level Results:

Analyzing specific demographic groups reveals notable trends. Trump has gained support among racial and ethnic minority groups, young adults, and non-college-educated white men. Biden retains less of his 2020 supporters compared to Trump, and there is a strong correlation between economic sentiment and candidate preference.

Economic Sentiment:

The national economy’s negative rating by 74% of Americans is significantly influenced by dissatisfaction with food and gas prices. The incomes of average Americans and the unemployment rate are also rated negatively, reflecting the overall public discontent with the economy.



The poll was conducted from September 15-20, 2023, among a national sample of 1,006 adults, with a margin of sampling error of 3.5 percentage points. The results provide valuable insights into the current political landscape and the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead for both Biden and Trump.


The political landscape in the United States is witnessing significant shifts as we approach the upcoming elections. The latest ABC News/Washington Post poll reveals a challenging scenario for President Joe Biden, with his approval ratings hitting career lows and a substantial portion of the population feeling financially worse off under his administration. The issues of the economy, immigration, and age are proving to be hurdles in his path to re-election.

Conversely, former President Donald Trump appears to be gaining traction, with retrospective approval ratings improving and a notable lead in a hypothetical head-to-head matchup against Biden. The dynamics within both the Democratic and Republican parties are evolving, with a majority of Democrats expressing a desire for a different nominee and Trump maintaining broad intraparty support among Republicans.

The public’s discontent with the current administration is underscored by their concerns about economic conditions, particularly the rise in food and energy prices. The sentiments of the electorate are reflective of the broader challenges facing the nation and will undoubtedly play a pivotal role in shaping the political discourse in the lead-up to the 2024 elections.

As we navigate through these turbulent political waters, it is essential for voters to stay informed, engaged, and critically assess the policies and performance of those vying for leadership. The outcome of the upcoming elections will have lasting implications for the country, and the voice of the electorate will be instrumental in determining the direction the United States takes in the years to come.

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